Wednesday 14 April 2010

Ex Beats Bonanza

Firm favourite Mike Skinner of the Streets fame once owned a label called The Beats, which took on many of my favourite UK HipHop acts of all time. Now a number of these guys are owning the Pop charts after progressing from the underground and doing their thing on a larger, more family friendly scale.



Literally one of my most respected lyricists in the iTunes. Great humour and wit. Now moving far left on the pop side producing some nice sounds. Linking up with some great producers including on his most recent single 'Kickstarts' with Sub Focus.

Buy Example Merch - They're quite good ha HERE

Professor Green


Hero. Produced some of the deepest UKHH I've heard. Come up from the East End and his comical story tellings are great for any occasion. He's recently collaborated with Lilly Allen after supporting her on tour and at Bestival. He recently did sessions at Maida Vale for 1xtra.

My favourite live track: HERE

His single 'I Need You Tonight' currently at NO 2, go cop that shit.

Plan B


Great mix of acoustic guitars and deep rhymes since forever from this man. Recently got rid of the more grimy parts of his raps and released 'The Defamation of Strickland Banks' a tale of one singer going through the trials and tribulations of a stalker. Some good songs but do prefer his old stuff. A nice release from most samey UKHH nowadays though.

Darkest Place

Latest single She Said, got to No.3 in the charts




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